PRIVATAR Consortium Meeting in Bonn

Today, all PRIVATAR partners gathered at the University of Bonn for the Consortium Meeting. With great enthusiasm, we shared our respective progress in the project in detail and planned the next steps.

To kick things off, each partner provided an update on their work. The University of Göttingen is working intensively on the telepresence software and developing new privacy-friendly technologies.

The University of Duisburg-Essen has just completed an exciting user study: 130 children of different age groups tested various interfaces and logos designed by chilli mind.

In Uni Bonn liegt der Fokus auf der Navigation des Roboters – insbesondere darauf, dass er sich nicht in unerlaubte Bereiche bewegt (no-go zones). Das durfte der MiniBot dann auch gleich live demonstrieren.

After that, we moved straight onto planning the next months regarding upcoming events and milestones we want to reach next.

A big thank you to our project sponsor, who travelled all the way from Berlin to see the developments in person. And, of course, to all partners for the constructive exchange and productive discussions. We’re already looking forward to sharing more updates with you soon. Stay tuned!

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